Tuesday, December 29, 2015

[.Christmas 2015.]

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

[.temple peak.]

 I'm not so great at blogging much anymore, but I do enjoy making these little videos of our fun trips.
Monday, June 8, 2015

{.St.George Trip 2015.}

This year Randy and Jenny planned our family trip.
We went to St. George with all of Lance's family.
I was actually really excited to go because I have really needed a vacation.  But let's be honest, when you have two young children nothing is really ever a vacation when you are packing and planning around them.  What ever happened to packing a swim suit a few change of clothes and calling it good? Now it's two pack and plays and the entire house to make the trip go as easy as possible. Honestly, I was most worried about the 4 hour drive down there.  No one ever likes to be around tired, cranky, ornery children.  It went pretty smooth actually, besides the unexpected throw up to the back of the head about an hour before we arrived.  I was also worried about all of us sleeping in the same room but both babies slept right through the other one.  So, needless to say, it was a really fun trip!  The first night I was able to go see Beauty and the Beast at the Tuachan Theater with the girls, along with Diet and Matt.  It was super hot so we spent plenty of time in the water.  We went on a small "hike" to the pioneer names up Snow Canyon.  Kailee and Clay loved crawling on the rocks and playing in the red sand.  They didn't want to leave.  We all wanted to go to the Children's Museum but the day we planned for it was a member's only day.  So instead we planned to go to Jumpin' Jacks to let the kids play.  As we pulled into the parking lot the building was up for lease and Jumpin' Jacks was no longer there.  Thank goodness we all had our phones ;) We ended up going to Fiesta Fun Center to go bowling then went to The Habit Burger Grill afterward for dinner.  Going bowling with a one and two year old isn't necessarily bowling. It's more like chase your kids around making sure they don't get hit by balls and walking around for an hour keeping them entertained so your husband can have fun ;) It was actually Kailee's first time ever bowling and it was so cute seeing her have fun!  The last day Lance went golfing in the morning while a packed up and we headed home.  It's always nice to be away but it's always nice to be home.

Here's a look at Kailee and Clay's first trip to St. George!

She is SUCH a dancer!  I absolutely love it and hope she enjoys it the rest of her life!  Dancing in the water, on the rocks and just as she walks! Clay is such a mountain goat and is always climbing around everything!  I definitely have two very ACTIVE kiddos!


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Clay's First Year!

This little man of mine has now been with us for a year!

He is starting to walk.
He is finally sleeping five to six hour stretches at night.
He has four teeth.
He will put everything and anything that can fit in his mouth.
He has eaten everything we have ever let him try.
He still loves to nurse.
He will just snuggle in and stare at you before putting him to sleep.
Absolutely LOVES his crib.  He will sit in it forever and just babble to himself.
Loves to put his face in any body of water he sees fit.
Says, "Mamama" "Dada" and "bye"
He waves and blows kisses, but will push your face away if you try and kiss he delicious cheeks.
So you sneak in as many possible while he's asleep.
He gets a hair cut at least every two weeks.
He is our sweet little man and we love him to pieces!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

[.I Dream Of You.]

My little man is almost a year old!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Miss K is TWO!

I honestly do not know where the last two years have gone!  I love this girl with everything that I have!  She is the sweetest little girl with the biggest heart you have ever met.
I always heard that after having kids, your life will never be the same. Now, two years and two sweet babes later, I can officially say my life isn't the same.  But why should I have expected it to be the same?  Or why would I have wanted it to be the same?
My life STARTED when I had Kailee.
I get to experience new milestones with my children.
Seeing them learn to walk, talk, solve problems, make messes, all these things and WAY more to come.
I love seeing the absolute innocence they have.
Their pure love.
Their genuine laughs.
Their excitement.
Yes, it is hard. 
So very hard.
And no, I don't sleep.
At all.
I look at people with more than two kids and I think they are absolutely crazy!
and to think, I'm still sitting here, wanting more...
who would have thought!?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

{.Clay 8 Months.}

This handsome fella is now 8 months!

Monday, January 5, 2015

{.Christmas 2014.}

This year I was super excited for Christmas!  I am sure it was because of Kailee and Clayton.  They just seemed to add that extra magical spirit.  We spent Christmas Eve with Lance's family which is always so much fun then went home for the night waiting for Santa to come by.  We stayed home Christmas morning and went down to my Dad's once the babies woke up from their naps.  We were so spoiled by all our family!  Every year I am always overwhelmed by how much we are loved by those around us.

And I'm about positive Kailee loves her Papa.