Thursday, September 11, 2014

[.a day in the life.]

Just excuse me while I ramble for a minute.
I feel like our every day is pretty routine for the most part.  We do different things here and there, but really, my day consists of feeding babies, changing babies, playing with toys, cleaning up non-stop after Kailee and enjoying some "me time" once the kids are asleep.

Laundry gets thrown in the wash and if I'm lucky gets thrown in the dryer the same day, let alone gets folded!
I'm trying to be better.  I'm very much a "lists" person, so I've created myself a schedule to somewhat base my days off of.

Speaking of which, I should be doing laundry right now ;)
Like I said, working on it!
Writing just seemed like much more fun!

Before Clayton was born I'd try and take Kailee somewhere different each day after breakfast, before her nap.
Usually it would be the duck park, the splash pad, story time at the library, things like that.
Now that I'm trying to get Clayton on a somewhat decent sleeping schedule he's usually napping during that time.  At least that is what I'm aiming for.  Sometimes he likes to take about six small cat naps a day, I'm trying to change that.  So while he's napping in the morning I'll try and have my time with Kailee.  Sometimes that means she comes out in the garage and "helps" me workout, sometimes we have dance parties, sometimes we go outside and water the flowers, or maybe I get ready for the day if I feel like it;)
Haha.  What does that even mean anymore, get ready?
One day. One day.

I used to get so mad at Lance for sleeping in the mornings because I felt like he wasn't helping.  I had a couple breakdowns the first month Clayton was born.  Now I feel like I'm sort of getting the hang of it, 4 months later...
I now just let Lance sleep.  I'd rather deal with a fussy baby than a fussy husband.
Not saying he is worthless and pathetic by any means, although I've said it in my head a few times.  I sincerely and genuinely appreciate Lance for everything he does for our family.  He works his tail off so I CAN be home with our babies and I'm trying my best to make it good for him to.  I've got to admit, I've been a pretty crappy wife.  He has home cooked meals to take to work and clean clothes (sometimes;]) to wear.  They may just be sitting in the laundry basket unfolded, but hey, they're clean!  But other things I could definitely work on!
I feel like I've been so focused on being a mom that I completely forgot how to be a wife.
I feel like he has capabilities of living on his own, he'll be fine.  But these two munchkins of ours?  They wouldn't survive a day without me taking care of their every need.
I know I'm just rambling but when people tell you that your life is forever changed after kids, well, damn it, it's the truth!
Your life REVOLVES around them.
What you do and don't do is completely different to the life you knew.
But I love this life of mine!

Yeah there are moments I could rip my hair out from not sleeping a solid night in the last two years.
There are times both children decide it is completely necessary to scream in unison.
There are more than enough times Lance has come home from work and the dishes are piled in the sink, the floor is disgusting, the living room in a mess and I just say screw it.
There are times I've been frustrated because all I want is to just watch The Bachelor and not worry about a single thing, because even when I do watch The Bachelor, I'm thinking about everything else that needs to be done.
There are times I'm singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star in the shower.
There are times I get to go to the park and watch my babies enjoy the smallest things in life.
There are times I wonder how it is even possible for my tiny heart to be so full of love.
There are times I get teary-eyed just thinking of how lucky I am to be such an incapable mom to such beautiful loving babies.

I believe our Heavenly Father gives us moms just a little more "super-power" with each child.
When I was training clients I would always tell them that it doesn't get easier you just get stronger.  That saying now has a complete different meaning to me.

Well I think I've got another 30 minutes of sleeping babies, maybe I'll go work on that laundry;)