Friday, October 4, 2013

[.the longer you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy.]

I have sat down to write many many times with no success. I don't want to miss writing down moments because I know they go by so fast. I have hand written all of Kailees updates but still need to make her videos.  It would help if we had our computer :)
We did bless Kailee on Mother's Day this year.  It was lots of fun to have everyone over, Lance did an awesome job and she was beautiful!
Kailee was blessed
*  To always have the spirit with her whereever she goes
*  With health and strength
*  To be knowledgeable, have a smart mind
*  To study the scriptures and know the gosple so that she can be an example to her family and friends
*  To know that her life will be easier with the gosple
*  That she will be worthy to have the spirit with her

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