Wednesday, January 8, 2014

[.to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.]

What did you do in 2013 that you have never done before?
First of all, I started off the year by having a baby.  She came quick and by quick that means I didn't get the epidural I wanted.  So needless to say, I delivered her naturally.  Never in my life would I have thought I would do that.

Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions and will you make more for 2014?
I've decided I don't like resolutions. I try and live today better than I did yesterday.

What countries did you visit this year?
Still...Only the one I live in.

What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?

More love for certain people in my life.
A better relationship with my Savior.
How about a house!?

What day will be etched in your memory?
Obviously this year entailed becoming a Momma.  So, working through 8 1/2 hours of contractions and barely making it to the hospital in time to have Kailee.

What was your biggest struggle this year?
Patience.  I've always thought of myself as a very patient person.  Although I am ENTIRELY grateful to Lance's parents for letting us live with them, I've been pretty impatient in wanting to get our own house.  I honestly just think it's the idea of having our own place that I want more than actually having a house.  Actually owning a house comes with more responsibility ;)

What was your biggest achievement this year?
Besides February 11?  Saving up enough money for a down payment on a house!

What was the best thing you bought this year?
Formula?  Diapers?  Some groceries?  Do I buy anything else???

Where did most of your money go?
Again.. see above.  And our savings account, so I'm not complaining :)

What did you get really excited about this year?
Getting a bunch of home ideas, how to decorate, crafts to make..

What songs will remind you of 2013?
Safe and Sound by Matthew West

Compared to last year, are you: much happier, much nicer, or richer?
Happier, I can't believe how incredibly happy my family makes me.  I have an amazing husband who works his tail off to support us.
I have a baby girl who only says three short words (Mom, Dad, Dog), yet just being with her I can tell the millions of words she is trying to express with her cute smile, her bright eyes, her precious hands, her munchable cheeks, and her sweet innocent spirit.
I have the best pup that loves me no matter what and can always make me happy when I'm sad.
 I'm hoping one day to be richer but right now, I am happy.

What do you wish you had done more of?
Visiting family members.

What do you wish you had done less of?
Can't think of anything.

Did you fall in love this year? 
With my sweet baby girl and seeing Lance with her.

What was your favorite television program of 2013?
I started watching more TV this year... :/
Well not TV, but series.
Probably cause I don't leave the house all that often.
Anyway, Scandal, Revolution, and Parenthood are on my top lists.

What did you want and get this year?
A down payment on a house :)

What was the best movie you saw this year?
Ha... um... At least I know that is one thing I DIDN'T waste money on this year!
I think the only movies I saw this year were
42 and Delivery Man.
Can't say I saw a "best" movie.

What did you do for your birthday and how old did you turn?
Lance and I are both now a quarter of a century old.  I don't even remember what we did.
How sad.

What would have made your year more satisfying?
I had a satisfying year!
I have missed seeing family, so seeing more of them would have made it more satisfying.

How would you describe your personal fashion statement this year? 
Haha, so here was last year's answer.
Besides workout clothes, I occasionally wear jeans and a normal shirt.  Next year my goal is to be more fashionable :)

Hahaha....haha...ha.  More fashionable!?  Have you seen me this year!?  I'm pretty sure one time Kamie said, "Woah, Ken! Where are you going? You aren't wearing yoga pants!"
Yes..That is my fashion statement :)

What kept you sane this year?

Kailee.  Whenever I feel stressed or just need a break I love just sitting down and playing with her.

What celebrity did you fancy most this year?
Pretty sure I didn't have one..

Who did you miss this year?
Jake, Jenna, Isaac and Sarah!
They used to be at our house two or three times a week!
Those days will happen again this year!  I can feel it :)

Who were the best new people you met this year?
Duh. Kailee!

What is a valuable lesson you learned this year? 
You lose all sense of selfishness when you have a child, your day and every hour consisting of that day revolves around someone that relies 100% on you.  I've learned that although this year has been completely different than last year, I wouldn't change it for anything!

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