Wednesday, March 13, 2013

[.every now and then, it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.]

Feb. 10, 2013
After taking a shower this morning, I stood there blow drying my hair looking at little miss k's swing on the other side of the room.  It was empty and I realized that in less than a month she will be laying in her swing.

Feb. 11, 2013
Today I hit my 37 week mark! As I walked into work this morning one of the trainers said to me, "Wow, Kendra, you have dropped! She is getting ready!"  People kept asking me if I had things ready and had my bags packed.  I had her diaper bag packed with the smallest outfits I could find and some blankets but I had only made my "must haves" list to bring in my bag to the hospital for when the time would come.  After a couple of clients I took Rudy up in the mountains.  I'll usually walk up and down the hills with him for about a half an hour a couple times a week.

I went back to work at 2:30 to start my night full of clients.  I started feeling a couple contractions around 3:30.  When I was 33 weeks, I had these same types of contractions, went into my doctor and after being monitored I went back home and "took it easy".  Because I was only 37 weeks I figured it was kind of the same thing and kept working.  Around 5:30 I had to pause a couple times during my clients session to sit because the contractions were now happening about 4 times an hour rather than just a couple.  I contemplated cancelling the rest of my clients for the night.  My 6:30 showed up and I told them that I wasn't feeling great and was having some contractions.  They were very understanding and talked me through each contraction.  In complete denial, as my 7:30 client showed up so did Lance, Jake, Jenna and Isaac.  I let her know as well how I was feeling.  Pushing her through her workout I kept having more and more contractions.  Lance started timing them and they were only about 6 minutes apart.  As I was finishing up with my 7:30 client, my last 8:30 client showed up and I was curled over on the floor in the middle of a contraction.  I met with her in the office and within the first 15 minutes I had about 5 contractions.  She hollered at Lance and told him to get me home and resting if not to the hospital at that moment.  We ended up leaving the gym about 9:10 and started on our way home.  Lance drove me home, Isaac drove Lance's car home and Jake and Jenna followed us.  I called up my doctor and told him how I was feeling.  He told me to go to the hospital immediately.  When we all pulled into the driveway, we got out of the car and I dropped to the freezing cement, Lance and Jake helped me up to walk into the house.  Lance, Jake and Isaac gave me a blessing before packing up our bags.  Sitting through a few more contractions Jenna was asking what to pack.  I told her not to worry too much beacause I wasn't having a baby yet.  She threw in the necessities, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste, with a couple of comfy pants and shirts.

As they all started home, Lance and I were on our way to the hospital to see what was going on.  I text the videographer to give her the heads up that I was going into the hospital.  I told her since I was 3 weeks early I didn't think anything of it but just incase I wanted to let her know we were on our way to the hospital.  I called my mom to ask her if I was crazy for heading to the hospital just to have them tell me I'm overly paranoid and need to go home.  Between contractions she told me that by the sounds of things that she thought I'd be having a baby tonight.  I started to get scared and almost started to cry as it became more and more clear as to what was happening.  Lance kept reassuring me not to be scared because something great was about to happen.  Which only scared me more.  Not because I didn't want it to happen but because I didn't know what to expect or what was really happeneing.

Lance would drive like a grandpa and then each time a contraction would come he would kick it up to 80!  We pulled into the emergency parking lot and waddled on inside about 10:30 pm.  They  looked at us and asked how they could help us.  Lance looked back and them and said, "Um, yeah, she's pregnant, and is contracting like crazy."  They pulled up a wheel chair and wheeled me over to Labor and Delivery.  Where it took them an eternity to even get things going! We started answering questions and they told me to give a urine sample once the other girl was finished.  Who was also in there for an eternity!  After about 3 contractions the girl came out of the bathroom, obviously pregnant, and obviously doing fine because she is walking out on her own telling the desk people she can't find a gown.  I wanted to yell at her and tell her who freaking cares obviously you are standing up and can handle yourself, get out and let me change before I die!  She came out of the bathroom and Lance rushed me in there to change.  As I was curled up over the chair, Lance made it his best attempt to dress me in the gown.  I almost didn't care if my butt was hanging out before walking out the door to get things checked.  They told me to go lay on bed F.  Not sure why I remember that, but I do.  I layed there for another 3 contractions before I decided to moan loud enough for it to seem like a big enough deal for someone to come over.  Which I'm pretty sure it worked because as a lady was walking by I hear, "Oh, wow, we should get someone over here to check her!"  YOU THINK!?  That would be nice!  The nurse came to check me and I hear, "Oh honey!  You are dialated to an 8!"  Two seconds later I said, "And I'm pretty sure my water just broke!"  She said to the other lady, "Call her doctor right now, this baby is coming!"  They hooked me up to IV's and started getting things ready.  After they finished everything they asked, "Oh! You aren't allergic to anything are you!?"  I wanted to respond, "You're lucky I'm not!"  But Lance nicely responded, "No".  I hear them say, "Oh, good!"  I asked, "Can I get the epidural?"  They said back, "You are way past that!"  I remember shutting my eyes and just whining, "No! This isn't how it was supposed to be!"

Next thing I remember is being in a room and Lance calling everyone to tell people that this baby was coming!

After about 4 pushes Dr. Spencer showed up and Kailee was here after another 3 pushes!  It was the most amazing feeling to have them put her on my chest as I looked at her realizing that she was ours to keep forever.

I can't believe that in just my last post I ended by saying how ready I was to meet her.  That was the DAY BEFORE she decided to enter the world :)

Here is the highlight video of her birth story...more to come!


1 {show some love}:

Tori said...

I am seriously crying right now. I love that video...

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