Tuesday, August 26, 2014

{.living with Nanny and Papa.}

Bear with me on this one.  I'm going to consolidate our 9 months with Lance's parents into one big post :)

About 4 1/2 months old she found her feet.  I'm pretty sure she was even sticking them in her mouth at this point too!

For Kailee's first Fourth of July we went to Bear Lake with Lance's family.  When we got back we spent some time at Kevin's house so Kailee could watch the fireworks!  She wouldn't take her eyes off of them!

Our first camping trip as a family was up Jebo Creek at Logan Canyon.  Camping with a baby really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  She still wasn't sleeping through the night so it's not like I would have known if she did good or not ;)

This poor girl couldn't even breathe she was so stuffed up but she was still happy as long as she was snuggling in the bed with us!  She was sitting up by herself at 5 months old :)

I'm pretty sure one of her absolute favorite foods was beets.  Anytime she ate she would be very vocally say, "nom nom nom" but anytime beets were involved, she was very loud!

Before Kailee I would always take Rudy up running in the mountains.  I don't know if it was just because I had Kailee, because we were at Lance's parents or just sheer laziness that I stopped taking him.  One day we rode Nate Christensen's go-cart.  I don't think Rudy missed running much.  He was passed out after this!

Thank goodness we had Nanny toys to play with while we lived there.  I'm pretty sure half of them are now missing somewhere but we were still grateful nonetheless :)

When Kailee was six months old we took her on her first trip to the Tetons and Jackson Hole.

This day I took Kailee to the Zoo with Jenny, Kamie and Myrna. She wasn't extremely interested, but it was still fun to go and "get out" with the girls!

Even after two different camping trips, we spent ONE night up in East Canyon at my Grandma's condos.  I knew packing with a baby was a lot of work but even just for one night you still have to pack everything you would as if you were gone for seven days. She still needs a place to sleep, blankets, binkies and food :)

This was one of the first times Kailee actually sat in her bouncer to watch a show.  It lasted about 5 minutes, but it was on a day I wasn't feeling good and that 5 minutes felt great!

Going to get our Christmas Tree for her first Christmas! She did really good!

A lot of our time spent at Nanny and Papa's was spent sitting in the front room playing with Kailee.  I knew we would be having another baby soon and I didn't want to waste one second missing her grow up!

I always hated leaving her on the days I had to work! Even though sometimes it was only a couple hours, I still thought about her every chance I got!

We learned that one of her favorite things to eat is an entire can of mandarine oranges.  She can eat a whole can in a matter of minutes.
At one point she had an obsession with coming after my toes and trying to eat them!

Nap time was definitely successful this day :)

Learning at an early age to share with her puppy.  She still does it and thinks it is hilarious!

Honestly, I took this picture of her because I actually got her ready and she wasn't wearing pajamas!

Her first time walking to me! 11 months old :)

She wasn't sure about her first taste of a cookie, but I'm pretty sure she loved it!

The moment I realized I was in trouble.  She could start opening doors. 

She absolutely loved watching her Daddy and Papa snow blow the drive way!

My baby girl turned ONE! How did I live my life any different before her??  Oh yeah, life full of sleep and freedom ;)

We got her a four wheeler for her birthday!  She still drives it around the driveway!  At least now she knows how to steer!

Entertainment in its simplest form!  A box and crayons!

These two are going to be best friends!

Another favorite, spinach cubes :)

Extremely grateful this girl likes brushing her teeth!

We would go for "walks" along the sidewalk.  Every time we did, I would always wonder what she's thinking or what the world is like for her.

I cold turkey-ed her into one nap a day. Just by putting her in the crib and letting her talk herself to sleep.  When she was quite, I knew she was asleep and I would go in and peek on her. She always slept in interesting positions.

We are SO grateful that we were able to stay with Lance's parents while looking for our first home.  Grateful to them for putting up with us and my constant need for food ;)
I will keep catching up as much as I can!  As for now, Clayton is waking up and Kailee has now been awake in her crib for the last 15 minutes so I could finish posting!

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